Different Ways to Use Wallpaper

The Reserve at Creekside Wissahickon Model Home

Many people stray away from using wallpaper in their home design. However, this 80s design trend is making a comeback in a unique and unfamiliar way. Embrace wallpaper again and check out some of these cool and different ways to use bold and trendy wallpaper in your home design.

Use it on a Single Wall
If you’re still not sold on using wallpaper in your home design, you can take it slow and start by using wallpaper as a statement on a single wall. Just like painting a wall with a bold color, using wallpaper on a single wall will give your room personality and make a statement just like any bold paint color would.

Origami Lampshade
Have leftover wallpaper and free time on your hands? Try out this cool DIY project and make your own origami lampshade out of wallpaper! That’s right, wallpaper doesn’t have to be used strictly on your walls. It’s a versatile medium, so have fun crafting and making your origami lampshade.

Wallpaper Wall Art
Wallpaper isn’t only for walls anymore. Get creative with this versatile medium and create a dynamic piece of art to hang on your walls instead! This is a surefire way to add a focal point to your room without fully committing to a single wallpapered wall.

Wallpaper Decoupage Flower Pots
Houseplants are always a great way to add liveliness to your household. However, you can add even more liveliness to your houseplants and decoupage your flowerpots and plain plant holders with wallpaper! Take the boring terracotta pots and decoupage a bold wallpaper pattern on it and you’ll be sure to make a statement with your home décor.

Line Drawers and Bookcases with Wallpaper
A nice and easy way to add whimsy and personality with wallpaper is to line the inside of your drawers and bookcases with wallpaper. Look at some of these whimsical bookcase wallpaper designs for inspiration for your own home!

Line Closets with Wallpaper
Just like lining your drawers and bookcases with wallpaper you can line your closet or armoire with wallpaper as well! This easy and simple way to make as small unassuming space in your home into a dynamic focal point! Get inspired by these closet designs.

Add Visual Interest to Your Staircase
If you’re looking to really add some personality to your home design try wallpapering the bottoms of your staircase. You could go bold and modern or sleek and sophisticated with this décor idea. Whatever you decide to do, guests will definitely take notice of your beautiful and unique design choice!

Revamp Furniture with Wallpaper
If your looking to revamp some of your furniture to make it bold and interesting use wall paper to your advantage and create some statement pieces! Have an old tabletop with a bunch of scratches and water rings? Cover it up with wallpaper and add a pop of color to your room. Check out some sophisticated wallpapered tabletops for inspiration! Don’t forget about your other furniture as well! Get inspired by these pieces of furniture that have been revamped with wallpaper!