Dog Etiquette 101

Do you have a cute furry friend that is a part of your family? Do you want your neighbors to love your dog as much as you love him or her? Be a responsible dog owner and follow some of these guidelines so you and your pup have a great reputation around the neighborhood!

Leash Your Pup
You might like to watch your pup run free however, your neighbors most likely won’t feel the same way, especially if your dog ends up in their yard. When you are walking through the neighborhood, it’s best practice to keep your dog on a leash. The ASPCA has also stated that when you walk your dog, keep the leash six feet or less on sidewalks and if there are joggers or active people on your path don’t use a retractable leash. If you really want to let your dog roam free consider an electric fence or finding a dog park near your neighborhood!

Know Thy Dog
Does your dog bark at the mailman or get overly excited when he or she sees a squirrel? Be a responsible dog owner and know your dog. If you dog has some issues with control, try to train out their bad habits. Take your pup’s negative reaction and train them to do something positive instead. For example, if your dog barks non-stop every time a guest arrives, train them to bring a toy to the guest instead so they won’t end up barking and jumping all over them. Just remember to replace a negative reaction into a positive one when training your dog! Also, if you’re walking your dog, be aware of your surroundings. Keep your pup on a tight leash and get ahead and avoid anything that makes your dog lose control.

Dog Meets Dog
If there are other dogs in the neighborhood or you meet other dogs on your daily walk, it’s always a good idea to introduce your dog to other dogs. Give your dogs a chance to familiarize themselves with each other. However, if your dog is on a leash, it is not an appropriate time for your dog to play. If your dog is jumping all over another dog, many dog owners will frown upon this interaction. Let your dog meet other dogs, but make sure they are well behaved and under control.

Keep Barking to a Minimal
Dogs bark. It’s in their nature. However, that doesn’t mean incessant barking is acceptable. A dog’s bark usually indicates that they want something or need more exercise or attention. So if the barking lasts more than one minute, then you should probably pay attention to them and figure out what they need. If they won’t stop barking then seek a professional to try to figure out what the problem might be.

Be Considerate When Introducing Your Pup
You might love dogs, but some people don’t feel comfortable around animals. It’s always best to be considerate when introducing your pup to other people or children. Always ask the other person if they are okay or if they are comfortable letting your dog say hi. Also, a greeting should never include your dog jumping on anyone. Try to train your dog to say hi in an acceptable manor that makes everyone feel comfortable.

Be Prepared
You pup is bound to go to the bathroom when you are on your walks. Make sure you are prepared. Nothing is worse when a neighbor finds someone else’s dog droppings are left in their yard. So make sure to be prepared to clean up after your pooch!

Looking for an amazing community to raise your family and furry friends in? Check out Judd Builders and all of our amazing communities! Feel free to contact us, we would love to answer any questions you have!